Friday, November 19, 2010

Too Many Churches?

Do me a favor.  Jump in your favorite convenience and take a quick tour around your neighborhood.  Go ahead-I'll wait...

(Humming "Jeopardy" theme.)

You back?  Great.  How many churches did you count in your tour?  *Rephrase*  How many congregations did you count (since there is only ONE Church.)  Probably half a dozen, at least.  And all would probably say that their primary reason for existing is to introduce the unsaved to Christ.  But if they all are working toward the same goal, then why are they not working TOGETHER?

I know.  The argument is always going to be "We don't all believe the same things."  Is this true?  Go to the various congregations websites.  Click on the "What We Believe" page, and give it a good look.  You will find an amazing similarity in what is posted there, even between different classifications of denominations.  If you eliminate those who teach obvious heresy (such as denying the divinity if Christ) you STILL find many of your brothers and sisters in Christ worshiping under other names.  Think how powerful you could be if you were to follow our Lord's prayer recorded in John 17:20-22 "that all of them may be one, that the world may believe that you have sent me."

All of the resources-all of the energy-all directed toward drawing people the CHRIST, not to a brand name-, er, sorry, I mean "denomination".  

How we got this way is not as important as what we do now.  May I make a recommendation?  I will-but that will be in my next post.  God bless!

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